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December 23, 2010


Janet Van Rossen

Beautiful pages Mary. Wishing you and Wayne a very happy Christmas and New Year from a very snowy Scotland, UK.

Janet xx


Lovely pages and pictures as always! Merry Christmas to you and your family Mary! Wish you the best for the new year.


Great card, cute ornaments, and great page. Congrats on getting all of your books done - amazing! Merry Christmas to you and your family, too. I made my cards, and that's about it! Oh, and 13 of my calendars:)

Sabrina aka okimom2girlz

Mary, awesome ages and that digi card......PERFECT!!! I wish you and Wayne a very Merry Christmas my friend and I pray that you have a Happy New Year!! Thank you for your friendship and all of those sweet comments you always leave me! Hugs and blessings, Sabrina

Carolyn Dunn

Love your card Mary, Merry Christmas to you and your husband.

Carolyn In Louisiana

Ann Schach

Fabulous cards and page, Mary! And I will gladly ship you some Iowa snow! Merry Christmas and a joyous new year!

Peggy Maier

Sweet little ornaments, Mary! I see why you like them so much. Love the picture of you and Wayne, and of the girls too. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas Day making memories with family & friends.

Jan  in Savage

Love the ornaments. You are right - they are cheery and bright. Great addition to your holiday decorations.
Hope you Christmas was jolly and fun.

Linda Callahan

Wishing you all the best in 2011!



Thank you very much for your kind comment about my card and for
wishing Wayne and I a Merry Christmas. I hope that you and your
family had a Merry Christmas as well. I hope it is a lot warmer your
way in LA then it is here in NH. :) Happy New year Carolyn.


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