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April 26, 2007


Terry Molineux

Boy am I jealous wish I could have a day of shopping. My day consists of working, working and more working. I get up at 4:45 a.m. and I don't go to bed until 12 a.m. stinkos right?

A. Sanborn

Okay Mary... were you trying to be extra good while you were out with Wayne?! *wink* Where's the photos of your entering Target, Wal*Mart & Arts Plus! lol... I know that they have some great goodies lately! Is that RIBBON I spy with my little eye in that AC Moore bag my friend! *wink*

A. :)


I think it's cool when we get to see what other things people do when they aren't stamping etc..

I might try that one day for my blog. :)

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